(KJV) 2 Corinthians 10:4
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
Our warfare – our main source of conflict in life – is not with other people, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). For that reason, worldly weapons, such as human invention, talents, wealth, organizational skills, military might, eloquence, propaganda, charisma, and personality, are inadequate to defeat our real enemy and to demolish Satan’s strongholds. Only the weapons that God provides are adequate to resist evil, crush Satan’s resistance, defeat ungodliness and combat false teaching.
- These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual and come from God. In other places, Paul lists some of these weapons, which include commitment to truth, godly living, bold witness for Christ, faith, love, hope of eternity with God, the Word of God and persistent prayer (Ephesians 6:11-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:8). By using these weapons against spiritual enemies, the church and individual Christians will come through victorious through the battles and conflicts of life. As a result, God’s presence, power, and purposes will work through His followers to save people spiritually, force demons out of people’s lives, purify and develop Christian character, baptize believers in the Holy Spirit, and heal the sick.
- The church today can be tempted to meet the challenges of life with the world’s tools, methods, and weapons. This means that Christians often rely on humanistic wisdom and philosophy. These things often become substitutes for the true spiritual power that comes from deep prayer, uncompromising devotion to God’s Word, God-centered worship, serving others for Jesus and delivering His message without shame. Worldly weapons and strategies cannot bring absolute spiritual victory or cause a spiritual revival. Only the effective spiritual weapons of truth, faith and the power of the Holy Spirit can destroy sin’s power in people’s lives, rescue them from Satan’s schemes or overthrow the uncontrolled evil passions in the world today. Using the world’s weapons makes the church more like the world and robs the church of an effective Christian witness that reveals Jesus and reflects a difference worth considering. The church that fails to use the spiritual weapons available through Christ will be overcome by the spiritual powers of darkness, and its families will be battered and taken captive by worldly forces of evil.
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